The unabridged fivevolume my bible friends stories are presented here with realistic sound effects that will sweep listeners into the middle of the action. Beautiful, yet simple language makes these books a pleasure to read time and. Philippine publishing house let the bible characters come to life with every. See the complete my bible friends series book list in order, box sets or omnibus editions, and companion titles. To learn more about these educational dvds please selec. A beautiful pictorial book with 4 bible storiesthis book. Multi lingual resource bible app for kids app book is a ministry of youversion bible inc. Listen as uncle dan and aunt sue read all 22 bible stories from my bible friends books. Some of the characters in the my bible friends books are. Be the first to hear about sales, new products, and more. Children will be read to from this wonderful book series. Degering richly illustrated and beautifully written, these fine, hardcover books are definitely the premium set of bible stories for younger children. Adventist adventurer awardsbible friends wikibooks, open. The unabridged fivevolume my bible friends stories are presented here with thrilling and realistic sound effects that will.
Librarything is a cataloging and social networking. My bible friends 1960s etta degering complete 10 volume set. The noah story, when god washed the world is in book 4, chapter 3. This product gives children a great way to read their books as. Aug 11, 2019 my bible friends by etta degering, these books are great bible stories and good for all ages of adventurers. Apr 21, 2020 my bible friends by etta degering, these books are great bible stories and good for all ages of adventurers.
My bible friends audio cds of all 5 books by etta degering. The books are biblically accurate a real treat, believe it or not, in bible story books. I have looked far and wide for bible story books for my children. Shop the latest titles by etta degering at alibris including hardcovers, paperbacks, 1st editions, and audiobooks from thousands of sellers worldwide. Though etta degering passed away in 1996, the beautifully told stories that she left behind continue to teach children about jesus. These and many more bible friends are waiting to greet your child within these beautifully illustrated books. Old childrens books vintage childrens books my books story books retro vintage childhood stories my childhood little golden books little books vintage little golden book hardback old macdonald had a farm illustrated by moritz kennel golden press western publishing company, inc. Complete with sound effects, the my bible friends audio cds can be listened to alone, or as a companion to the fullcolor illustrated 5 book set by etta b.
These popular stories, told by uncle dan and aunt sue, combined with video treatment of the beautiful scenes from the books, results in an exciting videodvd that will hold the interest of preschoolers for hours. Samuel, the little priest david, the youngest boy in the first story of this book, samuel assists priest eli in all things until, one night, he continually hears the priest calling him. Vtg my bible friends book 3 etta degering christian children story volume three. The bible story books blue 10 volume set or the childrens century. Click to read more about my bible friends complete set by etta b. Written especially for children ages 1 to 8 outstanding art fil. Degering richly illustrated and beautifully written, these books are definitely the premium set of bible stories for younger children. In my bible friends the illustrations are simply wonderful. Staple bound softcover book is 36 pp long and shows no writing and only. At the same time they are accurate, they do a good job protecting young childrens innocence. My bible friends etta degering 1977 hardcover set lot 5 illustrated books.
My bible friends etta degering complete 10 volume set childrens my bible. A 5 volume collection of characterbuilding stories taken from the. Jesus and the storm, jesus and the children by etta b. For instance, while daniel is saved from the lions there is no mention of the. My bible friends audio cd set for books melt the heart. As children read along and enjoy the books vibrant illustrations, a belllike tone alerts them when the story moves to the next page. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. Sometimes a friend might do something brave, like save a life. The complete set of my bible friends is read aloud by uncle dan and aunt sue. These popular stories, told by uncle dan and aunt sue, combined with video treatment of the beautiful scenes from the books. I actually patterned my book after these as they are the most quality bible stories that i have ever seen andor read. Multi lingual resource youversion partnered with onehope to develop the bible app for kids and provides nearly 100 interactive bible stories for kids.
My bible friends set of 5 eastward christian resources. Josephs new coat, joseph and his brothers by etta b. Degering, including my friend jesus, and my bible friends, and more on thriftbooks. Adventist adventurer awardsbible friends wikibooks. They were my absolute favorite books to read on my many visits, and to this day the pictures are what i see in my own mind when i read or hear about those particular stories again. My bible friends audio cds of all 5 books by etta degering ebay. Degering children of all ages, but especially will be fascinated with these muchloved bible stories as they watch these bible stories come to life and listen to the narration by uncle dan and aunt sue, former hosts of the popular radio program your story hour. Joseph and his new coat joseph and his brothers each of these three books contains two beloved bible stories that will bring the bible to life for your child.
Written especially for children ages 1 to 8outstanding art fills each page opening from corner to corner. It is a set of five books with four stories in each book. New listing lot of 4 my bible friends books by etta degering 1977 hardcover. Book five daniel and his friends daniel and the lions zacchaeus the cheater jabel the shepherd. The perfect books to teach children about the characters and life lessons found in the holy bible. Degering includes books my bible friends, my bible friends, and my bible friends. My grandparents have had the full set of these bible friends books in their home for as long as i can remember. My bible friends by etta degering books 15 vintage.
Librarything is a cataloging and social networking site for booklovers. Publication date 1977 topics bible stories, english, bible stories, english. Author of seeing fingers, my bible friends, gallaudet, friend of the deaf, daniel y sus amigos, seeing fingers, my bible friends, once upon a bible time, gallaudet etta degering. Get the best deals on my bible friends when you shop the largest online.
Open library is an initiative of the internet archive, a 501c3 nonprofit, building a digital library of internet sites and other cultural artifacts in digital form. A friend is someone who is kind, who thinks of nice things they can do for another person. Find great deals on ebay for my bible friends etta degering. With an active marketplace of over 175 million items, use the alibris advanced search page to find any item you are looking for through the advanced search, you can find items by searching specific terms such as title, artist, song title, genre, etc or you can narrow your focus using our amazing set of criteria parameters.
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